The Effective Self-monitor Method for Pneumonia Ca
2024-02-29 15:36:53

From the beginning of 2020, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread all over the world, which raises the main symptoms of dry cough and fever and finally cause pneumonia and even death.


There is no antibody, no specific medicine for treating COVID-19.

When COVID-19 infects human body, it replicates itself frantically without any recognization or attack from human body's immune system, causing widespread infection in the lungs. The immediate cause of death is inflammation in the lungs that leads to obstruction between the alveolar epithelium and the capillaries, which prevents gas exchange from taking place properly. As a result, oxygen can't get in and carbon dioxide can't get out. This hypoxia is the direct cause of death. In severe cases, dysfunction or failure of other organs may occur.


Therefore, pneumonia raised by COVID-19 is the most important reason for severe illness and death.

Timely detecting key physioloical parameters is important to figure out the deterioration of the disease.

What is Fingertip Pulse Oximeter?


Pulse Oximeter is a non-invasive device used to monitor a patient's oxygen saturation.

The main parameters are pulse rate (PR), oxygen saturation (SPO2) and perfusion index (PI).

The significance of Oxygen Saturation (SPO2)


Oxygen saturation (SPO2) is one of the important basic data in clinical medical.

SPO2 refers to the percentage of the combined oxygen capacity in the total blood volume to the combined oxygen capacity. 

SPO2 is considered the fifth most important indicator of health (the others are pulse rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature).

Hemoglobin is an important component of blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Oxygen saturation is an important physiological parameter that reflects the normal respiratory function and oxygen content of human body. Severe hypoxia can directly lead to suffocation, shock, or even death.

What is the Relationship Between COVID-19 and Pulse Oximeter?


Simple infection, mild pneumonia, severe pneumonia, ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome), sepsis and septic shock are the main clinical syndrome raised by COVID-19.

Severe pneumonia, ARDS, sepsis and septic shock are all raising or with the typical symptom of hypoxemia, respiratory distress, excessive heart rate, weak pulse and organ perfusion insufficiency.

Using fingertip pulse oximeter for timely detecting of the level of SPO2 and PR is the easiest, fastest and most effective method to detect any abnormal and prevent any deterioration.

What is Fingertip Patient Monitor?

Promise Technology Co., Ltd. dedicated to research and develop deeper potential of fingertip pulse oximeter.

With the deepening of research on Photoplethysmography (PPG) signals, people have found that PPG signals contain a variety of signals: heartbeat, breathing, as well as the pressure reflex and body temperature regulation caused by the central nervous system.

During respiration, the pressure generated by the undulations of the chest will affect the return of venous blood to the heart, and the respiration will cause changes in the autonomic nerves, which will cause the PPG cycle to mutate and make the PPG signal contain breathing frequency information.

Using a unique blood oxygen measurement simulation front end and a unique signal extraction engine, we extract another important physiological information in addition to SPO2 and PR from the human finger PPG signal--Respiration Rate (RR), which is accurate measuring and with wide measurement range.


RR is a sensitive indicator of acute respiratory dysfunction, and it is also an important indicator to measure whether the heart function is good and whether gas exchange is normal.

Real-time measurement of RR is important for assessing a human body system gas exchange function.


So far, PROMISE launched fingertip patient monitor as the form of fingertip pulse oximeter with the maximum 4 parameters of SPO2, PR, PI and RR.


To summary, detecting SPO2, PR and RR values in time has a significant meaning to measure human health and physiological parameters.